Our People

Michael Reid

British Columbia Program Director

outdoor headshot of a smiling white man with dark hair

Areas of Focus

Indigenous-led conservation, nature-based climate solutions, and sustainable economic development.

Media Contact

Jacqueline Nunes
ph. +1 416 526-7353


Michael started at Nature United in 2014. Since then, he has worked across coastal BC, in partnership with First Nations, to build and strengthen Indigenous stewardship and resource management programs, design and implement conservation finance mechanisms, and support the development and implementation of Indigenous land visions and management plans. Beyond the BC coast, Michael works to align resource use and management with community values and sustainable economic development. This work is directed by the needs and priorities of First Nations and aimed at supporting more resilient ecosystems and communities. Much of this work is focused on advancing forest-based natural climate solutions as part of a larger transition in how forests are managed in BC, and he is keenly interested in how carbon markets can drive changes in forest management and create benefits for local communities and interest groups.

Prior to joining Nature United, Michael worked directly for First Nations governments in the Great Bear Rainforest. Wearing a few different hats, he spent most of his time working in support of community leaders to build natural resource management departments, supporting First Nations involvement in new co-management regimes, and coordinating various planning and research initiatives, including a multi-year climate change adaptation project and research to assess and consider impacts associated with various industrial developments on the north coast.

He has a masters of science in environment and development from King’s College London.

Michael and his family are grateful to live and play in the traditional territory of the Esquimalt and Songhees Nations.

Indigenous Climate Change Adaptation Planning Using a Values-Focused Approach: A Case Study with the Gitga'at Nation

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