Our People

Eric Delvin

Emerald Edge Program Director

headshot of a smiling man with gray hair and a beard

Areas of Focus

Supporting First Nations communities in Clayoquot Sound to implement their land-use visions .

Media Contact

Jacqueline Nunes
ph. 416 526-7353


I find working with members of the Nature United team to support communities, inspiring donors to dig deep and support the work, listening to communities and trying to find alignment and build support deeply rewarding.”


Eric began working for Nature United's global affiliate, The Nature Conservancy, in 2003, working on restoring the grasslands of western Washington alongside tribes on the Washington coast, which led to the establishment of the Emerald Edge program in 2010. In his current role, he works to promote local leadership, sustainable economic development, and access to resources in the Emerald Edge—a 100-million-acre coastal temperate rainforest stretching from the Olympic Coast of Washington state, along the coast of British Columbia up to Southeast Alaska. 

Before starting at The Nature Conservancy, Eric served in the Peace Corps in Nepal, spending several years working in different countries in Asia.

He completed a PhD in restoration ecology from The University of Washington in 2013. He completed a masters degree in environmental studies, exploring the effect of tourism on an Indigenous community adjacent to a giant panda reserve in western China.

Eric is the father of twins, Hawthorn and Florence. His family enjoys skiing in the winters, and boating in Puget Sound in the summer.

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